Sonda per oscilloscopio per TP6060 20/40/60Mhz e TP6100 100Mhz
Portata X1 - X10 300Volt / 600Volt
Attenuation 1X/10X
Input Restistance 1MO/10MO
Input Capacitance 1x:85pF - 135pF / 10x: 15pF-19pF
Compensation Scope 15pF-35pF
System bandwith 1x: DC -6MHz / 10x: DC -60MHz
Input Voltage 1x: <300V DC + Peak AC / 10x: <600V DC + Peak AC
Operating Temprature Range -15°C -+ 75°C
Operating Temprature Range is not -20°C -+ 60°C
Tecnology Integration of Injection molding
Color Black
Weight 55g
Cable Length 130cm
Humidity <=85% (relative humidity)
Operation Manual
Adjusting Tool: adjusts compensation capacitance to assure the rapier march with oscillograph.
Contractive - Type acuminate hook
12cm earth wire with alligator clip
3 Pair of colorized cable markers
Locating sleeve adapts to IC testing.